Don't even try to agree
Between us my girlfriend and I have seen every movie ever made. It makes choosing videos to rent a serious process. Not so much because one or the other of us has always seen it. More because there are almost none that we have both seen. Mostly if I've seen it, she didn't want to, and still doesn't.
So, in preparation for the weekend we are scoping Blockbuster's website. As usual, agreement is out, but compromise is reached. On my way over I pick up two movies off my list (new ones which neither of us have seen), and two movies off her list (Tim you must see these). In all fairness I have to admit that the two from her list were movies that I would eventually have gotten around to seeing anyway, starring actors from my short list that I respect, but I digress. The amusing part of the weekend came from watching Van Helsing.
Her: We can put that in. I might go to sleep.
Me: It's a comic book movie. You liked Spiderman and Daredevil.
Her: It's weird.
Me: Yeah, comic book movies are weird...
Her: No, it's about vampires. That makes it weird.
So with much heavy sighing we settle in to watch 'my' movie.
Later, as the credits are rolling she is giving instructions for what scene to go back and watch over again. I'm looking at the credits, trying not to be too smug, when my addled brain finally clicks something into place.
Me: Oh! Hugh Jackman. He was the wolverine.
Her: Who?
Me: The wolverine. From the X-Men.
Her: Didn't see that.
10:30. Blockbuster. X-Men. X2. Three in the morning. I don't know if I'm happy to have my taste in movies vindicated or not.