What? This is reality?
It's inauguration day. Last night I watched a clip of Jay Leno's Jaywalking. People who didn't know what was happening on January 20th. Obviously my fellow Californians. Had Jay been on the streets of D.C. he would undoubtedly have heard "I get the day off" in answer to his question about what happens today. Would they have known why, these fine government employees? Who can say. I'm with the malopropism spewer from Jaywalking, I think we should all be 'inaugulated'. Come to think of it, maybe that guy should be President, he is clearly qualified.
I have been writing the fictional thoughts of a fictional character for a month and a half. I've been fighting to get those thoughts read for almost three weeks. Why? To say I'm a writer I suppose. I guess the distinguishing characteristic of a writer is to have readers. So do I want people to read this? Of course. I'm a writer. Now I am confronted by what thoughts to write. Face it, Arvil Bren leads a much more exciting life, though as a character in a video game he is somewhat shallow without me. My life has no plot and few battles, but I like to think the characters are much deeper, at least in most cases.
Will I fight to share these thoughts as well? I don't know. I can't say if I'll even be willing to have them read.
Ho ho. We had road closures out the wazoo and protestors outside every subway stop for a month and he asks if the federal workers of DC knew there was an inauguration on the 20th. We have front page stories on inaugural balls and the cost of extra security to the District of Columbia and he asks if we knew there was an inauguration on the 20th. We had people in mink coats and heavy makeup and five-hundred-dollar-shoes speaking in outside voices on the subway asking why homeless people aren't rounded up and given data entry jobs by the federal government, and he asks if we knew there was an inauguration on the twentieth.
Yes. We knew. :-)
OK. So you earned your paid day off. I concede.
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