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Monday, May 16, 2005

Trivial Pursuit

I started listening to a different radio station. A while back my girlfriend introduced me to alternative rock, and I've been mostly listening to her station if I listen to the radio; specifically in the morning. The radio on is a key aspect for her in getting ready for work. Morning; that's the problem.

The morning DJ on the alt-rock station is beyond annoying. In my long life of radio listening she is quite the worst I have ever heard. So last week when I spent a couple days at my girlfriend's house I would change the station as soon as she went to work. Seems like all morning radio has a LOT of talk, but the local classic rock station is better than most.

And the talking the DJ does do is actually worth listening to. Classic rock trivia. I'm gonna win something.


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, you need to try and listen to some ghetto rap music to see what you think!! :) Anyway man wanted to say hello and good luck on classic rock trivia.


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