So Many Games, So Little Time
While my brother was out from Louisiana he introduced my mom to yet another game on Yahoo. I tried to ignore this. I've played the four that show up on Yahoo Messenger, and I know just how much time they can eat. But like the elephant in the living room, this Bejeweled just couldn't be ignored. It seemed like every time I walked into mom's computer room she was delightedly blowing things up.
Bejeweled is a puzzle game. You line up three similar jewels and they disappear. Line up four and three disappear and the fourth turns into a bomb. Line up five and four disappear, but the fifth turns into the highly desired blow up lots of stuff vortex. It is very simple to play, so it is really maddening when it says 'no more moves'. I know, since I broke down and started playing it. Of course.
To play through twenty levels takes almost two hours. When I did it twice in a row I felt like I could retire this one. The second time my computer crashed at level 24. Otherwise I might still be playing.
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