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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Contents and Packaging

There's this thing called a template. It makes no difference at all. For this blog, it's the thing that keeps the sidebar over there---> instead of over <---there, which I suppose could be considered a useful function if you really care which side it is on. It also determines the colors of things, which is very important. What colors exactly isn't so important, but it's good to avoid things like white text on light grey background unless you're some sort of stealth blogger. The standard templates are good for that since they've been tested not just on your 32 bit super video card and 19 inch flat screen, but will be visible to Billy in Botswana. No offense meant to Billy or the rest of my Botswanan fans.

There's a button up at the top marked 'next blog'. You can use that to surf randomly through blogs on blogger. If you do you will see the same templates used by many people; sometimes heavily modified, sometimes so straight out of the box that the links section still says 'edit here'. Some of the best content will be on those straight from the box templates, and you will find some idiot savant blogs with extensive templates full of banner photos and animated text marching across the page...filled with weather reports apparently misspelled by a ten year old.

So pick a template from the ready supply and get going is my suggestion. For one thing you aren't stuck with your choice anyway, so there's no point really sweating over it. For another thing, if you have the content someone might come along and offer to dress up your packaging for you. Thanks Bravo.


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