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Monday, March 28, 2005

Power Weekend

There's a song, There's Nothing Soft About Hard Times. As anyone who knows me would expect it's a Jimmy Buffett song. As most people would probably assume the 'hard times' referred to are a function of money...where a dime means bread not a movie as the song goes.

This weekend was hard times of another sort; working with my brother and sister and mom through the difficult questions raised by caring for an eighty-five year old father in failing health. Difficult questions. Differing opinions. Emotional issues. And nothing soft about it. But in the end we came through together.

I have seen some families that seem so close, then something happens and they just splinter apart. My family has always seemed like a distant scattering, with outposts from coast to coast, but there is a magic in our clan. We hold through hard times.


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