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Friday, April 01, 2005

Stone Cold

I had my first experience with the Coldstone Creamery yesterday. Very cool, so to speak.

I'm glad my brain engaged itself. My brother suggested ice cream, and we promptly shed thirty something years and resorted to old habit. As we were standing in the intolerable line at Baskin Robbins, scene of numerous after school stops when I was in junior high, it suddenly dawned on me that there was a reason I hadn't been in a Baskin Robbins for a long time. More than one actually. Rosemary's Creamery in Bako. Dewar's, also in Bako. Swensen's. Ghiradehli's.

The old 'why am I stuck in this desert again started to strike me, but then I remembered seeing the Coldstone...I can at least be stuck in the here...now...instead of stuck in Lancaster circa 1974.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger Bungeegal said...

Stuck in Lancaster? Palmdale isn't that bad (grin). There are some things...better than ice cream???

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Lara said...

Mmmmmm...Coldstone Creamery...YUM!


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