One Post Wonderment
I've told a lot of people about blogging. I've also got a couple methods for surfing blog sites. I also have my own previous experiences with blogging. Taken altogether the conclusion I've reached is that this is just not as easy as it seems to me now.
I have a routine that includes updating my blogs. I have a system that keeps me aware that I do have regular readers. The first critical part of having a system to tell me that is having regular readers. My previous blogs, which shall be nameless and unmourned here, never had any of these things and they fall into the category I call 'one post wonders'. They might have had more than one...maybe three or four even...but no one ever read them, or even heard about them.
Now I've had the experience of keeping up a blog, and it's great. I so clearly enjoy it that I frequently hear 'that's so cool! I'm gonna do that!' It makes me cringe, and I want to say 'don't try this at home!' I never do. It isn't dangerous, or even hard, and the reward is great...but I think this week I'm gonna talk about what I've learned about being a blogger and see if I can help some people get through without leaving the litter of dead blogs that I left.
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