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Monday, June 06, 2005

Serial Fiction

I've got some new links so it's once again time to beat the serial fiction drum. Over in the sidebar there---> is a list of links to serial fiction sites.

Serial fiction is an on-going story. How often they update varies, but all the stories listed here get updated regularly. They offer a brief escape to an alternate reality that over time becomes a very detailed and interesting place, and a couple of the characters have become my friends...the kind of friends you look forward to seeing because they always seem to have gotten up to something interesting.

I've got a couple reasons to beat the drum today. One is the new links, obviously. The other is that I've been talking to other serial writers as well as my own readers, and the power of comments and dialog is really showing up clearly. So here's the thing. Joseph Stalin said "Every government is a democracy; the peasants can vote with their feet." Of course he promptly instituted border controls that took that away, but that's off my point. My point is that the internet is ultimately democratic. The sites we 'vote for' with encouraging comments, links to their site on our various pages, and clicks on their ads will thrive. Sites with no links, no comments, no ad revenue will eventually fall into neglect.

So make it YOUR internet. Exercise your power. Vote! I do. I use 'My Yahoo' as my browsers home page. My bookmarks show there. Those are links that promote the pagerank of the sites I prefer to visit. Every ISP gives you some sort of page you can do that with. I make comments. Even just 'great post' can let someone know the writing and editing they are putting in is appreciated. I use an extra click to get back to my home page. Before I click the little house I click an ad...a lot of times I even see something interesting that way.

My ad is right over there by the way. ---> I have lots of readers and get plenty of commentary, but dropping a few of Google's pennies in my pocket is always appreciated.


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do make it my net. I leave my opinion everywhere, and people leave me theirs. I just hope I am not too opinionated. Nice to see another writer out there. Interesting site you have. I stumbled onto you through blogshares.com I will have to come back and peruse the site, again.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Marsha Loftis said...

I love comments although I rarely receive them under any of my journal post. I receive a couple of emails every couple of days from people who say they are reading my story. My emails for the most part are very flattering and they boost my ego. I have wondered occassionally if my comments actally work. They do work, I have tested them out but no one uses them. Is this a bad thing? I don't know. I doubt I will be abandoning my site anytime soon for lack of comments. I still have a lot of story to tell. For now I am happy with the occassional email. By the way , I also leave comments all over the net.



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